Anber Consulting
Baidu SEO
Introduction about Baidu SEO
SEO = Search Engine Optimization
Although Baidu takes up only 0.8% of the total search engine market share worldwide in 2021, it dominate Chinese search with 85% market share. One of the main reasons that Baidu dominated the market is their ability to parse and interpret Chinese language more effectively than other search engines (such as Google), leading to higher-quality results. Therefore, a presence on Baidu is crucial for all brands that want to enter Chinese market.
Baidu, like Google does not restrict itself only to search, but offers a variety of services and apps including documents sharing, news, maps, music and video platforms, Q&A platform, a Wikipedia (Baike), a web browser, an Android-based mobile operating system, BBS forum and etc. And all the apps and services mentioned above also contribute a good SEO ranking for a brand.

What We Offer
Our Baidu SEO Services
The essential process and marketing tools on Baidu
Domain and ICP Consulting
The very first step to start Baidu SEO is to decide where the server locates and if an ICP (Internet Content Provider) license is mandatory for your business. However, it is not always mandatory, we check to case by case.
Keyword Research
SERP is triggered by the keyword ranking. Therefore, keyword research is the essential process of search engine optimization. Anber consultants has rich experience with performance marketing in China to select the correct keywords for you.
Baidu Webmaster Tool
Baidu Webmaster Tools is equivalent to the Google Search Console. It’s the official management platform for webmasters offered by Baidu. Submit your website to it, and Baidu’s spider will be able to index it more effectively.
Technical SEO
Our technical SEO consultant will help you comply with Baidu technical requirements and optimize your website structure on WordPress or our own CMS. For example, mobile first, avoid JavaScript content, avoid a deep website structure and etc.
Onsite and Offsite SEO
Our white-hat SEO mainly focused on your own websites. No keywords dummying, low quality links nor bot will be applied. All the SEO works at Anber are done manually to ensure a sustainable SEO result including affiliate links to high quality websites, website content (blog) creation, manually keywords clicking, and etc.
Other Baidu Owned Sites
On Baidu SERP, not only SEM and organic results will be display, but also relevant content on Baidu owned services and sites. And Baidu likes to rank its own sites more than most, it’s absolutely imperative to extend your Baidu SEO strategy beyond your own website.